Dropping the title of “Homeopath”

Today, April 1st 2015, the province of Ontario regulated homeopathy.

This means that to practice homeopathy in Ontario we need to buy a license and liability insurance. We must also practice in a way acceptable to the regulating body – a limited way.
Due to this new development, I do not call myself a homeopath anymore. I continue to practice my own approach, Dynamic Medicine as before.

Why It is a Farce

Few homeopaths have obtained licenses to practice –  out of the hundreds of practicing trained homeopaths in Ontario. Most homeopaths want nothing to do with this new attempt to bury homeopathy and stunt its further development. I agree with their position and I hope the College will collapse for lack of funding and members.
After repeated attacks against the profession on national tv (CBC) we now have regulation. Seemingly the opposite to discreditation, but not quite. The two actually work really nicely. Like two hands clapping, one attacks and vilifies homeopathy, while the other clips its wings and makes it tame and ineffective… and expensive to practice.

The Limitations

When you regulate a profession you control it and its members and you also limit its ability to evolve and expand. Current regulation also tells homeopaths where they can train and how they can practice. Similar to doctors who would like to offer more than chemical medicines, but are prohibited by their Association, so are homeopaths limited in a similar way.

In the case of homeopathy, licensing fees and requirements make it expensive to practice. Homeopathy is not covered by OHIP so therapists in effect are self-employed professionals and live out of their earnings. Contrary to what the media would like you to believe, homeopaths barely make a living out of their work. Paying the high membership fees and on top of the expensive liability insurance fees, makes profits from a private practice so negligent that one might as well fold and go work at McDonalds.

The Idiocy

So, is homeopathy snake oil or is it a medical system endangering public health?

Regulation implies a need for protection for the public and homeopathy can now be perceived as potentially dangerous for your health. Yet, in its entire history and world-wide application, homeopathy has never been found to cause any threat to people’s health. Its medicines are not chemical and there are no recorded side effects. In fact, this is one reason why it is so popular today.

In spite of the regulation of homeopathy and the shining new College of Homeopaths in Ontario, the media has repeatedly attacked the profession by making it look like quackery and sorcery on major tv programmes like Marketplace. The blatant manipulation of public opinion and the total exclusion of any intelligent response from the profession left homeopaths aghast and angry. But it also showed us that a war is being waged on homeopathy with the purpose of destroying its credibility and banning its use in Canada.

So here is the idiocy of it all – on the one side we have mainstream media calling homeopaths quacks and the remedies just water, while on the other side, Ontario health authorities are “protecting the public” from this dangerous water, by regulating the profession.

You Can’t Have It Both Ways – Or Can You?

Yes you can. It actually happened today! The quacks, snake oil pedlars of water and sugar pills, have now been acknowledged as a profession in need of regulation! In other words, snake oil and sugar pills are now threatening the health of Canadians. And because Canadians are not smart enough to think for themselves, the government of Ontario will protect them from their own ignorance by chewing on homeopathy and regurgitating it in a way easy to digest…

Of course, any thinking person can see the idiocy of the situation, the insult to people’s intelligence and the sneaky way our freedoms to choose or to practice freely medicine are being slowly asphyxiated. Not too long ago anyone could practice medicine and the healing arts, provided they did not perform one of the controlled acts. This seems to no longer be enough.

Opting Out

Any real professional would want nothing to do with this farce. Neither do I. Although I completed full training programs in homeopathy and heilkunst and even though I have had a busy practice for the past 15 years, now that the profession is regulated I can no longer call myself a homeopath, nor can I claim that I practice it or use homeopathic remedies! The only difference now, as far as the efficacy of my work and the impact on my clients is the fact that I don’t want to buy a license and I don’t want to be told by people with less training than me and less knowledge than me, how to practice my profession.

Fortunately, restriction always opens the door to innovation. Sometimes you have to snuff something out in order for something new to appear on the map – out of necessity. I am sure we will see a boom in the development of new emerging healing arts like biofeedback, to name one. They already exist. As does a new form of homeopathy that does not rely on the usual sugar pills, nor is it limited to the old-fashioned approach of a century ago. Homeopathy as a philosophy and art is very much alive in the world and many professionals are discovering new ways to administer remedies and to apply its principles. I am happy to join that group.

So opting out is actually … opting in for me. It is helping me define my work and de-clutter it from titles that had little meaning for clients anyway (even now homeopathy sounds strange to most and not many have heard of it when they come for help).

Dynamic Medicine

With Dynamic Medicine, the name chosen by me and others for our methods of treatment (using biofeedback technology and new discoveries in the healing sciences), we can move forward again, toward new discoveries and better application of our skills, no longer limited by a word and a method that has outlived its time in the form it is being offered today.

The homeopathy of the future will be magic, a true medical system that is quick, efficient, harmless and does not destroy the environment and people’s live hood in the process of producing its remedies. (No snakes are harmed in the production of homeopathic snake oil!)


Recently Health Canada suspended the distribution of the flu vaccines to research a suspicious white substance in them, causing the vaccine matter to clump. Other European countries had already stopped flu shot sales for the same reason. Now this problem is considered resolved and flu shots..”safe”.

I did not hear about any of this. While this was going on, flu shot advertising on TV and in the media continued in full force. So, do we happily go get the jab now?

Why NOT to get the flu shot

1. For those who are not convinced it is bad for you, no matter what anyone says, here is a common sense argument: perhaps one should wait and see. By the time a second recall is made, millions will be harmed by the toxic cocktail in these flu shots. Do you want to take the chance?

2. For those who use common sense to make decisions: the flu strains used in vaccines can only protect you from that particular flu strain and OFFER NO PROTECTION WHATSOEVER against any other flu virus. Nobody knows which flu virus we will get, it is pure speculation and is often the wrong one!