Inergetix-CoRe System

The Inergetix CoRe System is an amazing new technology that I use to SCAN your energy field for points of imbalance. I also use it for THERAPY – a series of corrections and re-sets that restore your natural balance.
For details:

The CoRe is a significant part of my work. I use it to confirm or discover the source of a problem and its best solutions. Here are some of the CoRe’s many uses:

  • To create an enhanced client profile by finding the unconscious patterns that are usually missed because the client or I are not aware of them.
  • For the early detection of arising problems before they have taken physical form
  • For organ balancing and strengthening
  • To correct negative thought or behavioral patterns
  • For color, light or electromagnetic therapy
  • For remote treatment and remedy delivery
  • To imprint healing frequencies into water or onto an object that the client can take home and use as frequently as is desired

You don’t need to be physically present or connected to the system. A holographic connection is established based on your name, date and place of birth and a photograph.

A CoRe scan will show unconscious or subconscious patterns that influence your health and behavior. It is very accurate information, some of which you may not be conscious of at this time.

The results are presented in a written report. I add comments based on my expertise. Once you can see the issue in detail, you can choose to act on it and make changes.

CoRe Therapy involves a series of remote frequency treatments, created on the system and broadcast to you. It does not require your physical presence. The BENEFITS are immediate and each treatment merges with the next one seamlessly, creating a continuous flow of healing energy.

The Inergetix-CoRe™ can check any issue of interest. The system database contains thousands of items and hundreds of themes to choose from and they all contain answers to your questions. You can check for pathogens, emotional or mental themes, imbalanced organs or meridians, as well as affirmations or actions that will lead to success.

CoRe Analysis

A full baseline scan is performed for each new client at the beginning of treatment, as well as at several significant points along the way. This full scan of physical, emotional, and mental issues, along with core beliefs, creates a reliable foundation for further work.

The analysis can also be short and focused on a specific issue when all we need is a few pointers or some quick answers to an existing problem and to find its solution.

In my coaching program, I use the CoRe to assess mental and emotional patterns, subconscious thought habits, and ego conflicts that can influence people’s actions. It can also evaluate those traits and talents that are most useful to move us forward.

Relationship problems, change of work or life path, difficult choices can be worked through faster after a CoRe evaluation shows the real dynamics behind a problem. In addition, you can start turning the situation around right away through client and issue-specific energy re-sets performed with the CoRe.

Creating a remedy

We use the amazing capabilities of the Inergetix-CoRe™ to imprint the results of an analysis into water or a bracelet that a client can take home and use at any time. We can also reproduce the specific frequencies of dynamic remedies. This allows us to create an infinite range of remedies and healing frequencies specific to each person.

Remedies and affirmations can also be imprinted on a bracelet, pendant or any other item that you can carry and hold for healing and balancing purposes. This is a very popular and user-friendly way to focus your attention on healing while having the opportunity to also wear your remedy as a beautiful object.

Some distance healing and balancing is also done through sound, on the phone, or by sending sound recordings via email.

Remote Remedy Delivery

One of our extremely popular features, with distance clients is the capability for direct remote treatment. You receive the balancing treatment directly through our device at regular times over extended periods of time, based on your needs.

We can also imprint a remedy into water, through remote transmission in real time. It helps in situations when time or shipping is an issue. We can actually place a remedy into your glass or bottle at home in seconds. You can then have all your remedies available right away.

This is indeed a method of treatment delivery of the future – available today.

When we perform remote treatments with the Inergetix-CoRe™ we basically assign a dial frequency representing you and only you, so that you will receive that transmission. Visualize a radio and your own private frequency band. Every time we send a broadcast there, you receive it. Its effect on your bio-field is immediate.

So What Will I Discover From An Inergetix-CoRe™ Reading?

Anyone who has had a reading has been both delighted and impressed that it brought up such specific themes. Some results are familiar, a confirmation of what you suspected or knew already. But many issues that they may not be aware of also come to the surface.

The results can indicate a process that is still latent or emerging. It can confirm an existing life situation, a physical issue, or a past problem, which is yet unresolved and continues to create a reaction in your system today.

The CoRe as a “Life Compass”

A full Inergetix-CoRe reading is used to assess where you stand in life, the ideas and feelings that contribute to a present problem and some probable causes. More powerful than a psychic reading, it is also more objective and accurate.

Some typical questions that clients ask:

  • Am I ready for change?
  • What feelings, core beliefs or old emotional patterns are preventing me from solving my problem or moving forward in life?
  • What are some invisible obstacles I need to be warned about?
  • Which of many possible solutions is the best one for me?


The Inergetix-CoRe™ is a Bioresonance device developed by Dr. Kiran Schmidt. It is used to scan a person’s bio-field and to detect areas of resonance or dissonance on the mental, emotional or energy levels. It helps us see deeper and with more clarity into many confusing situations. If left undetected, such “glitches” in our system can cause us even physical symptoms and certainly much psychological conflict.

The CoRe is also used to rectify areas of dissonance that are affecting us at this time. It can point to old impacts that are now activated. Future problems can also be nipped in the bud once an arising negative dynamic is discovered and corrected before it develops into something worse.

The body has the potential to heal itself, but sometimes it is reacting to the wrong signals. It lacks, so to speak, the ‘know-how’ to solve a problem. Balancing with Inergetix-CoRe™ in these instances will be surprisingly effective and will work apparent miracles within the shortest time. It can “tell” your body what is its best choice of action.

We use sound, light, electro-magnetic frequencies or simply remote transmissions of healing frequencies to re-set your system. The healing information can also be imprinted onto any physical substance such as liquids, tablets, bracelets or any other object that a person can use repeatedly for a period of time.


It works according to the principles of Quantum Science, which has established the inter-connectedness of everything. The CoRe system is a tool enabling us to establish such a connection to a person’s information field. This connection is always a two-way process, which means that a treatment can also be fashioned based on the signals that are received.

The Inergetix-CoRe™ System establishes a constant feedback connection with the client.

The results given by the Inergetix-CoRe™ system are always probabilities (expressed in percentage number) and not Yes/No answers. In general, any advanced testing method that claims to be related to quantum theory has to be able to assign percentage numbers to the likelihood of disease causes and appropriate remedies.

The Inergetix-CoRe™ works both on the informational or energetic levels. It operates on the level of existence on which things are related via ideas, concepts, forms and patterns, or on the level on which physical energies are exchanged. Its action is in no way material in nature.

A quantum principle in action

The system is based on the principles of quantum physics, the principles of resonance and global scaling, issuing a complex statistical analysis on the basis of a large database of over one hundred thousand patterns of internal and external stress sources.

The Inergetix-CoRe™ works with the mathematical matrix representations of different parts of the body. By reading the representative “informational signature” of each individual, the image of every “symptom” and each “remedy”, Inergetix-CoRe™ generates and selects complex models to establish the resonance between the client, symptoms and remedies and then uses the statistical analysis of the results to set the probabilities of the highest resonance.

Imagine an electrical circuit that is perfectly operational except for a short due to crossed lines at one point. This blockage is the information out of sync. The Inergetix-CoRe™ can identify and rectify this defective circuitry. Once regular flow of information is restored, the circuit is open and functional again and all processes take place normally within the body.

Holographic principles

The main challenge in understanding the Inergetix-CoRe™ system is that it does not have to be physically connected to the client to evaluate or balance. This is based on the fact that our world is holographic in its structure, which means that every part contains all other parts. Although this is difficult to conceive, this reality implies that any part can affect any other part and can be a measure of every other part.

The holographic principle is used diagnostically in many forms. For example in iridology we read the health of every part of the organism from the iris only, or in ear acupuncture the acupuncturist affects any part of the body simply by putting a needle in a specific part of the ear. The same applies to reflexology (foot massage).

The Inergetix-CoRe™, rather than working with actual body parts, works with mathematical matrix representations of every part of the hologram. By manipulating this abstract matrix it can actually cause a balancing of the respective part in the same way that information we get via a communication can affect any part of our life.

Simply put, the connection of a person’s information with healing information is performed via software programs and based on this holographic principle.

In other words, in one quick procedure we can know which frequencies are out of balance, and then re-balance them right away, all with the same equipment. This is the future happening right now!

What Else Can The Inergetix-CoRe™ Do?

In addition, there is an Organ Balancing program of over 2,000 organ/body parts that can be balanced through bio-information. The Inergetix-CoRe™ system can be used to re-balance organs and systems for optimal function by re-instating proper “information” to our life force field. When the problem is on the informational level, the balancing results are instantaneous.

Analogies can help us to better understand the informational level. Fixing a software bug can be achieved by a small change to information (and not by turning up the power supply). That has a big effect. It makes the program function again. It can take a long time to find a software bug, but the Inergetix-CoRe™ finds the issue quickly.

Informational, biochemical, energetic and structural levels
Because the informational level is connected with the structural level, the biochemical level, and the energetic levels, informational balancing can indirectly affect the other levels.

Even when the solution lies in a more physical approach, the Inergetix-CoRe™ still helps by initiating healing on the information level which then facilitates healing on all other levels including the physical. Because we consist of a network of energetic connections, the Inergetix-CoRe™ connects us at these many different levels.

Structural corrections

What appears to be a structural issue can be resolved via the informational level if that is where its main component lies. Think of hunched shoulders that are caused by constant fear (taking a hunched, defensive posture).

Somebody doing exercise by moving their legs is working structurally (developing leg muscles, for example) and also helping energy move. The need of particular forms of exercise can be clarified through a scan of the bio-field with the CoRe.

Biochemical corrections

If you take a vitamin, you are working on the biochemical level and that too connects to other levels. Perhaps there already is plenty of a particular vitamin in the body, but if the information necessary to process it is missing, then the information is what is needed. The CoRe can remedy this glitch in information allowing for proper use of nutrients.

Energy corrections

In the case of meridian blockages, chakra imbalances or low or excessive energy in an organ, the CoRe can give us correct feedback of where precisely energy is blocked, so that we can correct it either directly with the CoRe, through correct information or through any other means of energy rebalancing.

The Inergetix-CoRe™ is different than any other device on the market as it can pinpoint the highest, client specific, frequencies automatically and is not dependent on frequency tables or time consuming techniques like pulse diagnosis or kinesiology. Nor does there need to be any knowledge of a diagnosis.

The Inergetix-CoRe™ generates these client-specific feedback frequencies in the various forms of sound, light, magnets and electricity and then transmits the information connected to these frequencies directly to the client. This creates physical as well as subtle energy shifts.

Inergetix-CoRe™ uses energy such as light, sound, vibration or electricity only as an information carrier and not as a treatment tool on its own because of its insignificant intensity. Energy used for information transmission is capable of bridging large spans of space, but is incapable of carrying significant amounts of energy for doing WORK at the same time. This is the reason why the Inergetix system is in its essence an informational system and not an energetic system like a radiation therapy device.

Its energetic modality firmly establishes the Inergetix-CoRe™ system in the forefront of energetic balancing.

What Does the Inergetix-CoRe™ Not Do?

The Inergetix-CoRe™ is accurate-but it is not an oracle. The results still need to be interpreted. In other words, it cannot replace the expertise of a trained therapist.

All results are correct. But they are not all equally significant. The relative significance of results has to be taken into account when deciding how to proceed in therapy.

Many things can be good for us. The question is what do we need at this time and what will lead to the most significant change or progress. Assigning significance to an Inergetix-CoRe™ reading depends on the context of the client’s situation and what it is aimed at.

CoRe therapy is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle. For example, if someone has been living in a dark room and really needs sunlight, or if he has eaten fast food for years and needs living foods, no amount of Inergetix-CoRe™ balancing will help. The person needs to take in physical food and take action to change their life circumstances.

What’s more, because it is an informational modality, informational or energy treatments on their own will not help in cases where substantial supplements are missing, a spine has to be aligned, or lifestyle changes have to be made.

It will, of course help all such issues indirectly by shifting the information and creating an environment that will facilitate and enhance change in all other areas.

Who can benefit from the Inergetix-CoRe™?

Everyone! The Inergetix-CoRe™ is safe, non-toxic, and has no side-effects. There are no painful or intrusive tests and manipulations. It does not use any form of substance or energy in any significant way that could affect us physically.

In addition to working with people, bioresonance is also gaining enormous popularity in the treatment of animals and plants, and the environment. It has been used with interesting results to treat crops, lakes, animal herds, and also, businesses and other group enterprises.


The German physicist, Dr. Kiran Schmidt, developed The Inergetix-CoRe™ system. After years of work in the field of physics and alternative medicine, Dr. Schmidt began extensive research into radionics, energy medicine, and informational medicine.

In 2004 Dr. Schmidt moved to California and founded Inergetix Inc. and began development of the Inergetix-CoRe™ System. It was also in that year that he discovered the principle of DLE-Dynamic Labile Equilibrium.

He discovered that the dynamic labile equilibrium (DLE) that exists between polarities is the basis for health and evolution. A dynamic state is characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress. A labile state is open to change. It is constantly undergoing or likely to undergo change, a state of being adaptable. Simply put, it is a state that is open to movement and change, and as such, it is unstable. It is the truth of “living in the present moment”.

A static state, on the other hand, is where opposing forces are in balance. Because these forces balance each other, there is no motion. A static state is a fixed stationary state, a state of being at rest. This static state is the cause of disease and eventually death.

With this amazing discovery Dr. Schmidt has ventured into new areas that go beyond the traditional concepts of physics-measurable frequency and vibration, and its associated laws to establish the principles and objects of a complementary science now called Informational Medicine.


What is Informational Medicine?

Alongside the levels of matter and energy, information forms a third level of existence that is guided and governed by its own laws which differ in many aspects from those of matter and energy.
Informational medicine is often confused with energy medicine. Both terms are used interchangeably, which is not correct.

The use of information in all its forms such as words, signs, symbols, rituals, and pictures has always been an important part of medicine. In modern medicine information is still an important component, even though unrecognized. It’s dismissed merely as the placebo effect.

Life is based on a constant exchange of information and an adaptation to information. Just as we have to digest, transform, and eliminate waste substances, so have we to digest, transform and eliminate waste information. If this process is interrupted at any point, disease is the result. Informational medicine is the use of methods that can balance informational disturbances.

Let’s take a closer look. It often happens that when we think about someone, look at her picture or use one of her belongings, coincidently she calls or even shows up at the door.

There are many informational modalities in existence that use different external forms and are often misunderstood as energetic. However, seen from the point of view of the emerging science of informational medicine, all have in common that they use neither substance nor energy to evaluate or rebalance (heal), and are instead based on the principles on information. Information can be transmitted without energy. This is possible because pure information is not ruled by time and space.

There are many phenomena in healing that are not governed by quantity, space, and time. These phenomena and related treatment modalities are outside modern day medicine because they are not covered and explained by nineteenth century physics, which rules our scientific world. However, with the concepts and theories of modern day physics, these phenomena can be explained despite the unwillingness of modern medicine to listen.

In relation to living organisms, some informational medicine modalities are: dynamic medicine, psychology, Emotional Freedom Technique, distance healing, prayer healing, radionics, according to Erich Koerbler, and Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellation Therapy.

Because the effects of these modalities work on the informational level, they do not need electricity, magnetism or any other form of radiation for transmission as in the world of energy.

Informational Medicine and The Inergetix-CoRe™

Through dynamic medicine it was discovered that solutions, or sugar pills that contain neither the original substance nor any known energy, have the potential to heal. This was the first systematically developed form of informational medicine in recent history.

In the last century techniques that used electrical devices were developed for diagnosis and treatment. They were misunderstood as being based on energetic principles like radio technology, but in actual fact, they were of an informational nature, such as radionics, and more recently computerized systems like the QXCI and the Inergetix-CoRe™.

Because there are different forms of informational medicine, it is difficult to give a general explanation. However, we can use an analogy to explain.

Just like a computer, living beings are mainly governed by software. As we know, software is the most common source of problems and malfunctioning in computers. This is why modern medicine has such limited success. It is completely unaware of the “software” governing health and disease. Modern medicine believes that all diseases are caused by “hardware” malfunction and therefore need only be treated by substance (drugs) or energy.

Speaking very generally and by analogy, there are many illnesses that are today misinterpreted as problems resulting from biochemical disturbances. But they are not.

Actually, they are regulation problems caused by “software issues” such as diseases that are based on missing information, wrong information, corrupted information, and outdated information.

Since we are talking here of the informational realm where misinformation, missing or corrupted information can cause a problem, then receiving correct information is in itself healing in nature. When we learn the truth, at that moment we have already initiated healing.

With its capacity to transmit information to people via its technology, the Inergetix-CoRe™ can be used to restore balance on the informational level as a treatment method as well by broadcasting or transmitting information to the client. The shift to proper bio-patterning leads to an adjustment on the energy level that then trickles down to the physical level.

Informational balancing can have profound effects on causes that lie on the informational level, such as the control functions of the body and mental-emotional issues. This means that it can indirectly affect the energetic, biochemical, and structural levels of the body.

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine is the application of any form of energy for either treatment or diagnosis.

Modern medicine uses energy mainly for diagnostic purposes: X-ray, Thermometer, Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrocardiogram (ECG), Ultrasound, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

And for treatment: light for treating SAD or sound for destroying gallstones, radiation therapy to burn cancer cells, or heat and cold to make compresses. This use of energy is applied to directly impact us in a physical way.

Inergetix-CoRe™ and Energy Medicine

Although the main innovation of the Inergetix-CoRe™ is the ability to read information in a stable and reproducible manner, it is also capable of using energy as a form of energy balancing and therapy.

Most energy is therapies we know of are applied as a set of frequencies, each designed to correct a pattern related to a specific issue (parasites, low or high energy). What all of these applications are missing is a biofeedback loop that would customize and adjust the frequencies in real time to the current needs of the client.

Therefore, one can say that most energy medicine today is, in fact, allopathic as it is based on the misconception that different diseases need different standardized treatment protocols. These do not take into consideration that wholistic medicine does not treat a symptom alone in isolation of the context in which it exists.


As science moves into the world of energy and subtle information, we can now access our subconscious mind in a scientific way. Knowing what processes are running in your mind and body, gives you the power of informed choice. You can now act based on what will best work for you, rather than the usual trial and error approach.

Knowledge is power and peace of mind. And the Inergetix-CoRe can make that happen.