Check Out a Person


PERSON  To begin with, many people were curious to know what was the role of someone else in their life. Will their influence be for good or for bad. What issues stand behind the relationship to that person and what do they bring into our life.

BUSINESS  Are you considering hiring someone to work for you? Are you interested in a partnership or collaboration with somebody? Is there a good vibe between you? Is that person resonant with you and what does he or she bring to you? What about a new job offer or business venture – what are the upside and downside for you? Be prepared before you commit your time and money, especially if you are not too sure about it.

GROUP DYNAMICS If you work in a group on a common project, perhaps you want insight into what each member of the group is contributing, how they feel toward the project or their part in the group? You can also assess the group as a whole – what are its strengths and weaknesses?

CLIENTS  Check out your clients! Is this client going to stick with you? Is she going to cause you stress? Are you going to benefit, learn or enrich your life through your work with this person? I check all of my clients before sessions to test my own energy toward them and what their own needs may be at any given time.

PLACES   Sometimes you can get insight also about a location – house, country, office. What is the vibe in that place, for you? Are you going to live in harmony there or are there hidden set-backs you may want to know about in advance? This reading has helped many clients check out a new home before they buy.

If you are still wondering how this may work for you and you did not find any of the above useful, drop me a note and ask and maybe there is some other reading that will be even more precise.

Guarantees   This is a very accurate reading, so if you are nervous about finding out something you don’t want to know, perhaps re-consider and don’t ask. I have seen people get offended by some of the results, especially since they were accurate…

Cost: $99.00
For several people in 1 group: $50.00 ea. for up to 5 people.

To order your reading, click here.