Remote Treatment With Remedies

All of your remedies can be administered via remote transmissions with the Inergetix-CoRE system. One remote session is equivalent to taking a single material dose of a remedy. Daily sessions can be set-up for you upon request, just ask for that during your consultation.


Fast delivery of remedies in urgent situations
No waiting for the mail to arrive
Your daily dose is taken care of  – you have more free time

How Is It Done?

The Inergetix-CoRE system operates on a computer and is set-up manually to treat you on a set day and time and for a specific duration (number of minutes per day). Your remedy name and potency is typed into a special screen, from which the transmissions are initiated.

When to Choose This Option

Sequential Treatment. The treatment of timeline events (past traumatic events needing de-activation through a series of treatments) are now all being administered entirely through remote treatment. The same applies to Trauma Reversal treatment.

Replacing dropper bottles. More clients are also asking for the daily remote treatments with their remedies. It helps to get the usual daily dose done once a day, leaving you just those remedies that need repetition, to be taken at your convenience. (Those are the remedies used for relief of symptoms where repetition or sipping in water is necessary). This is a great way to make sure you are taking your remedies every day without the hassle of remembering to do so and going through each bottle one after the other.

Where mail does not arrive. And for those that live in remote areas where mail does not arrive on time or at all, this is a life saver. You can get all your remedies now and upon special request some can be administered repeatedly every day, in cases where it is necessary. (Check out also the Imprinting method which is also very useful under these circumstances).

Support for those who can’t take remedies. There are certain circumstances when a person cannot take a material remedy. They may be too ill and in a hospital, unconscious or not able to look after themselves (people with dementia or in a hospice situation) or too far away from their loved ones who want to make sure they are OK. I have administered many treatments remotely under those circumstances, with spectacular results. I am still surprised sometimes.

Is It Really Effective?

Yes it is – as effective as taking a material dose.
This has been tested repeatedly now for several years and it works fine.

Some people still prefer to have a bottle, the mind needs the confirmation that “this is real”. It is also comforting to know you can reach for your remedy and take it. For others, it is a form of focus and commitment to their therapy. These are all important reasons to keep your physical bottles coming, so do not feel pressured to use this method if it does not work for you at this time. I do encourage you to try it, though.

For example, there are elderly or very ill people who cannot really participate in their own therapy process, but are happy to accept the treatment remotely. The effect is confirmed by all who observe the process of healing as it happens – with remote treatment alone!

I create daily treatments for myself and my family and our dog. I like to have them running for us every day so we all get the daily adjustment even when we forget to take a remedy in our busy day. My elderly mother also takes her remedies that way as she otherwise forgets. And my relatives across the ocean are all set up into the CoRe, to boost their health too! 


Receding gums treatment. I had my 3-month cleaning appointment yesterday and I’m pretty happy. Many of my huge pockets have healed a lot (from 12 to 3!) and the hygienist was amazed. She said, whatever you’ve been doing keep it up! So I had to tell you because you’ve been instrumental. Please keep them coming!  Carol, Ottawa

Cavities. In a desperate effort to avoid having another filling, I tried Ati’s remedy for cavities.  At my next appointment, I expected the dentist to remind me about the filling I hadn’t taken care. However after inspecting my teeth, he told me that everything was fine!  I was so surprised and happy! I saved myself from more dental work and strengthened a tooth! Bernadette, Ottawa.

Small children and mom.  Ati, well no surprise to me, but you’ve done it again.  My little girl is loving school (told me “more school” yesterday and didn’t want to leave today), and my mood is significantly better.  I even managed to “survive” a whole day by myself with all three kids (the nanny had the day off) for 10 hours and we had a good time.  Julia M., USA