What is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback Therapy: Imprinting healing energy on your Body of… Water 

Biofeedback uses technology to scan your body for sources of stress (physical or mental) and applying corrective treatment. It works by imprinting information onto your system. Since your body is 80% and water records information, with biofeedback therapy corrections can be made to fit exactly your current needs.

Q: ” Does this mean that our environment also affects us?”

A: Yes, everything around you makes an impression! You are affected by the moon, barometric pressure, elevation and especially by mental impressions. But your body has controlling mechanisms, which under normal circumstances counter these strong impacts and maintain balance.

When there is repetitive or excessive influence by one factor the balance or fluidity is disturbed.

Q: “How do I know that I have tipped the balance?”

A: You feel “stuck” in a state distress. A physical symptom is often a visible confirmation of the situation. Biofeedback can find and correct such extreme imbalances. This will allow your body to resume its own natural regulation processes.

Q: “How is this done?”

A: Biofeedback is used to tune into your subconscious field. This process does not require a physical contact with the client and can be done remotely. Once the problem is identified, a series of energy treatments are set up over a period of time, usually for 30 days. The type of treatment, frequency and duration is individual.

Q: “How quickly can I expect results?”

A: This depends on your level of participation and the ability of your body to heal. Biofeedback treatment will shift the situation, but you can also use other therapies to strengthen your body so it can heal faster. If beliefs or habits are part of the problem, additional work has to be done to change those as well.

The results of the scan by themselves are interesting. They will provide you with information you can use to work on emotional or life issues.

Q: “Are the results permanent?”

A: As with any therapy, acute conditions resolve quickly. Chronic problems require multiple treatments in order to cover all the variations in the case. Sometimes we need to address them one layer at a time until we reach the root of the problem.

The quality of the results also depends on the practitioner’s ability to use the technology and especially in their training as a healer. The use of biofeedback as therapy has exploded in the past 5 years. With that its use has spread from the medical field onto many other areas of life: business, real estate, treatment of eco systems, plants and animals, operation of many kinds and much more.

Biofeedback is exciting and innovative, but it does require training, experience and precise use of the technology, otherwise results can be spotty and sometimes even aggravating. For now, there is no particular certification or regulation process in the field. This is both liberating and also makes it hard to find a good therapist to work with, so word of mouth and your own sound judgment should guide you when you are ready to give it a try.

I certainly highly recommend it and I use it all the time with great results!