Guide to Developing the Timeline

A timeline is a chronological list of significant or traumatic events that block energy and trigger disease. These blockages are removed in reverse order, from present to past. The 1st shock we remove is the most recent. We go all the way back and deal with birth and gestation as well.

To create a timeline first make a list of any physical and emotional events you can remember. See the list of suggestions below. Each one is treatable and each one can leave a potentially harmful after-effect. Begin with birth and list in chronological order to the present day. Write date or age at which they occurred.

  • If you don’t remember the exact dates, list the event in correct order.
  • If you are not sure if an event is significant, list it anyway.
  • Add some detail to give me an idea of the significance of the experience.

Hereditary disease is a source of many chronic ailments, physical or emotional in nature. When all events in the timeline have been treated, we then address the inherited pre-dispositions to disease called Miasms of which there are a total of eight.

Keep a copy of your time line so that you can follow along and to help you relate to your healing cycles. Some people find it useful to keep a note book in which they write down their symptoms and healing reactions.

How long it takes. A new shock/trauma is cleared every three weeks. It takes about 10 to 14 days to detoxify the body and neutralize the emotional effects of past trauma. For an idea of what to expect during the healing period, check the Healing Process information.

The following types of events are considered as traumatic to your system:

Physical Trauma

Pre-birth: Events during mother’s pregnancy, usually affecting the mother and also coming from the environment or events of the day. List any medication, alcohol, smoking or severe illnesses in mother (particularly of a viral nature); also consider any emotional shocks to mother during pregnancy or in mother/father at time of conception (wanted child, life difficulties); ultrasound, amnio or other invasive testing.

Birth: Difficult labor; forceps; anesthetics for mother; late breathing or other oxygen deprivation; c-sections or induced labor; cord around neck; breach birth, forceps.

Vaccinations: Dates or approximate age if possible and what kind of vaccine, including travel vaccines and malaria pills, flu shots. List any known adverse reactions, fear (in children).

Accidents: Car accidents, falls, blows to head or back, concussions, broken bones, animal bites, cuts, frostbite, etc.

Surgery/Dental: Tonsils, appendix, adenoids, dental, abdominal (including Caesarean sections), circumcision, vasectomy, hysterectomy, breast implants, cosmetic surgery, eye surgery, etc. Medical tests and procedures: colonoscopy, biopsy, etc.

Medical drugs and procedures: antibiotics, anti-depressants, cortisone, recreational drugs etc. List here also environmental chemicals like DDT, pesticides, fluoride treatments, mold exposure. Radiation exposure like x-rays, CT scans. MRI. Injected dyes. Barium swallow. Chemotherapy.

Hormones: Birth control pill, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), In vitro fertilization or similar fertility treatments, etc. Steroids. Testosterone. Thyroid medication.

Severe Infections: Lyme disease, mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr, measles, chicken pox, mumps, TB, pneumonia, bad flu, malaria, strep, parasites, etc.

Electrical Shocks (including medical treatment).

Emotional Trauma

List all the significant emotional events in your life, with a few words about how you felt. Sudden, unexpected traumatic shocks are especially important as they can lead to serious physical reactions in the body. It is important also to mention when the situation was resolved because the resolution of long-term stress can also produce symptoms, but of healing. Remember to list them together with the physical events and not on a separate list.

List any events that involved one or more of the following feelings:

Loss, abandonment, grief, betrayal (e.g., death of loved one, loss of trust, relationship or friendship break-ups, loss of independence, job loss, separation due to move or travel)

Fear, anxiety, fright, unexpected threats of harm, hostile environment at school or fear of disease, diagnosis shock, dread of coming events. Worry about success.

Anger and indignation/humiliation (particularly where the emotion was suppressed/”swallowed”), being attacked verbally or physically, abuse and victimization, false accusations, boundary issues.

Shame and guilt (mostly that someone tries to put on you), events leading to loss of self-confidence or self-respect, worries about punishment for sin or “being bad”, feeling you did not do enough for a loved one.

Feelings of envy or jealousy, betrayal of love, competing with others.