
There is so much on web today it is hard to check it all out. Here are some sites I have found useful and would recommend to you:

Health and nutrition

  • Dr. Mercola: This major health website has a wealth of searchable articles. You can also subscribe to his newsletter.
  • Natural News: Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, posts news on all possible health and holistic lifestyle issues. One of the top websites for this, with a radio program and newsletter.
  • Water: Dr. Emoto: learn how water can record information and how good and bad vibes change the structure of water crystals.
  • Water: Dr. Batmanghelidj: you can heal disease simply by drinking more water. Dehydration is a major problem today. Try water instead of pills!
  • Dr. Abravanel’s Body Type Diet – 4 body types, 4 diets and exercise types.
  • Exercise: “PACE Program” by Dr. Sears. 12 min. of exercising a day is all you need.
  • Bruce Lipton video “Bruce Lipton – The New Biology – Where Mind and Matter Meet”: Your thoughts and feelings can change your genes! More proof for what we already know.


Vaccination debate

Other sources of toxicity


Inspiration About Life

More advanced readings

  • Rudolf Steiner – The Steiner Archive has many anthroposophical (spiritual science) books and articles on life, the human history and make-up, karma and reincarnation, Waldorf education and the stages of growth of children, biodynamic farming and much more all free to read online.
  • Wilhelm Reich and his important work on orgone energy, human armouring and its effects on psyche and body.
  • Where to buy an orgone blanket or orgone accumulator:

Health information


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