Don’t Get the Flu Shot!

The FLU is not dangerous, but it was made to seem so

When I first heard about the flu vaccine, I thought people were joking. Everyone knew the flu was just a bad cold with fever. back in Europe, we used to sleep it off, drink lots of tea, take some aspirin or vit C and then we were fine. What a funny American fad, I thought. These people are nuts.

Then marketing of the flu shot became aggressive and since I was already studying homeopathy by that time, I focused more closely on the hype used to push the vaccines. This led me to follow the many problems related to the garbage that was put into those vaccine cocktails – the heavymetals, animal genetic material, viruses, formaldehyde, detergents…and more. Suddenly, a ridiculous sales pitch started looking quite sinister.

The flu may not be deadly, but the vaccine can be

Homeopaths in our city began offering free natural flu immunization to the community in order to counter the free flu shots offered in Canada. We opened a Free Alternative Flu Immunization clinic, offering homeopathic remedies instead of the flu shot to all those who did not want to get the jab, but were still fearful of the flu. By then, people were buying into the whole deception of the flu being deadly, so they still wanted some kind of protection.

There is nothing wrong with protection against disease, of course. Homeopathy offers protection against many contagious diseases, including childhood diseases. It is a whole different issue if we actually need all that protection or not – books have been written about that and it is a topic for many other articles. Suffice it to say, that homeopathy offers a great alternative to the chemical concoctions presumed to prevent disease.

And then it got ugly when the “pandemic” hit

After 10 years of operating the Free Alternative Flu Prevention clinic in Ottawa, we had enough observation to know that homeopathic prevention worked fine. None of our clients were getting the flu and all of them kept coming back regularly, even those who needed a document to prove they had some immunization, for work.

Then it got ugly with the H1N1 farce, when it was announced to be a pandemic (yeah, right!). As usual, we posted our articles about the madness of it all and the lack of science behind it. And as always, we offered alternative methods of protection, as well as remedies to soften the adverse effects of the untested H1N1 vaccines. Much as with the tragedy of the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine that killed so many people before it was pulled from the market, we suspected a similar scenario could  play out. And it did, except that it was not talked about much.

Censorship is always a desperate measure

One day, soon after I had posted all the information on my website, I got quite a surprise. An email arrived from the FDA threatening to shut down my website if I did not remove all mention of the H1N1. Along with many other holistic healers, I was forbidden to write anything against the H1N1 flu shots on my website.

I live in Canada and since the FDA letter was signed by someone called Ms. Malarkey (can you believe it?) – I thought it was a hoax at first. After all, why was the US FDA meddling with a citizen of another country? I wrote to ask if this was for real was not. Soon after I received the same warning from the Canadian Health authority, so I took off all the content warning people to NOT have the H1N1 shot and offering them help if they got hurt by it…

And I thought to myself, if my little website was considered a threat, how bad must it be for the marketing of this useless and harmful vaccine? Pretty bad, probably, as it turned out afterwards when we found out the pandemid didn’t “pan out” (pun intended), there was no world-wide epidemic. It was a lot of ado for nothing. Which so many of us who did the research new from the start, but were not allowed to talk about.

Mass compliance is mass support

Today, people don’t think twice about getting their seasonal shot. Marketing and doctors together have made this a non-issue for the population. Most people do not connect the illnesses they get after annual flu shots, to the unnecessary over-use of chemicals (in the vaccines, in food, medical drugs and procedures, etc.).
So we write about the dangers of vaccinations to the converted while the rest of the people are so dumbed down by sickness and weakness that they can barely think for themselves anymore. But they do support and allow this awful practice to continue by lending themselves to it as consumers. They do pay the price of bad health, cancer and auto-immune disease, but they also uphold a practice that is dangerous to all.

Just Rewards for all

And those who hope for a healthier life are forced to also pay a price: coercion to vaccinate.  This is just one issue, but human indifference and passivity is behind the success of many more crimes against humanity: GM foods, fluoride in our water, adulterated foods that cause obesity and malnutrition, useless medical treatments that do more harm than help, a war on cancer that will never end while we support the chemical industry as the single solution, and so on – it all exists because of the compliance and ignorance of the majority.
My faith is in the success of what is life-affirming and natural and true. It always seems to get the upper hand somehow, even when it is the minority that puts all the work and effort to make it happen. And we do get a reward for all our efforts, even when they seem futile on some days…we are rewarded with good health, a sharp mind and an inner compass that helps us get through adversity at times when it seems impossible to most.
I hope you will all join me in this effort to stay Real about life, open minded about solutions, and always ready to call things what they are when it becomes obvious that the truth needs to be refreshed.