Full Programs

What are they
Breast Cancer Programs
Children’s Programs

This service offers all of the available therapies and tools and the full power of the REAL MEDICINE health approach. The Full Program of treatment is the best choice in all cases of serious chronic disease. At this time, my focus is on specific widely-spread conditions. For different health problems, please contact me.

A Full Program consists of:

1. A 3-part initial intake to determine the complexity of the problem, the general health of the client, and the best strategy for full resolution. We formulate short and long-term goals. It has been established that clear goals lead to faster healing and more satisfaction with the outcome.

2. Sequential Therapy is the centerpiece of every full program. The fast resolution of past shocks to the body and psyche, helps turn around the most obstinate of symptoms.

3. Monthly follow-ups. It is recommended that you have at least one more series of 3 monthly sessions with remedies, after your initial intake is complete. The information and counseling is of benefit not just for your learning but also for the efficiency of the healing process.

4. Duration of treatment. It is hard to estimate the exact duration as it is client-specific and disease-specific. As a rule the more complex the case, the more sensitive or weak the client and the more medical interventions and drugs that are involved – the longer it takes to stabilize, detoxify and move forward. Back to top↑

Breast Cancer Programs

Currently there are 3 Full Programs dedicated to breast cancer. We are seeing an explosion of breast cancer in the world. My opinion is that most of it is not real cancer, some of it is the result of aggressive carcinogenic treatments and each woman has a chance to avoid it altogether with the right information in hand.

I also wanted to create a treatment option for women who do not want to use chemotherapy and radiation. Back to top↑

Children’s Programs

Children are quick to respond to natural medicine. Their bodies and psyche are pliable and constantly growing. There is no reason to give children medical drugs and cause harm to their developing immune system. Better choices have been available for a long time now.

All children’s programs offer solutions that are little known, but highly effective. For best results, in difficult cases, it is advisable for the parents to also undergo a course of treatment. This balances everyone in the family and creates a home environment in which the child can thrive. Back to top↑