Menopause Reading

The Reading
This is a reading of your energy field and not a physical test. It will reveal many hidden issues related to hormonal imbalances. Perhaps you already have a diagnosis. Maybe you just want to check things out. In both cases, the results will help you see clearly the what is involved.

Useful to look into menopause symptoms. Also useful for symptoms of PMS, fatigue, thyroid problems, adrenal exhaustion, prostate problems and other hormonal imbalances, not just limited to estrogen and progesterone. Of course, the majority of women using this reading, inquire about menopause.

The Report

  • – Which hormones or secretions are out of balance or deficient?
  • – Which glands or organs are part of the problem?
  • – What is the main cause – physical, emotional or environmental?
  • – Was this triggered by a traumatic event and which one?
  • – Core beliefs causing constant stress and chakras affected
  • – The best solutions for you

Menopause Reading: $99.00

Add a 30 day biofeedback treatment for $30 extra! When you are able to see the patterns and influences that apply to your life, consider using the CoRe to set up a series of energy boosting transmissions to help solidify the positive and move you forward in the desired direction.

Menopause Reading and 30-day treatment: $129.00

Personal Menopause Formula: Try my special homeopathic remedies for menopause symptoms. The remedies work also for women with hysterectomies, with fibroids or ovarian cysts. Few people are aware how powerful they are:

  • – Restore thyroid and adrenal function
  • – Restore menstrual cycles
  • – Balance  ovarian or uterine functions
  • – Help with menstrual cramps and bleeding
  • – Menopause symptoms
  • – Ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids and much more.
Price: $40.00


Full Package: Reading, Formula and 30-day Treatment: $149.00
(Save $20 when you combine all services.)

To order a reading, treatment, remedies or ask a question click here. 

For more help with your particular symptoms call or write for more information.